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Environmental Serivces

SESL’s team of experienced environmental scientists regularly undertakes a range of environmental assessments for a wide array of clients. We address environmental issues head-on, ensuring the best outcomes for both our clients and the environment.

Our environmental scientists are supported by our team of soil scientists, as well as a network of industry experts.

Effluent & Wastewater Reuse Assessment

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Wastewater Management Plan

Acid Sulfate Soil Assessment

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Groundwater Monitoring 


Soil Reuse Suitability Assessment

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Water Quality Monitoring 

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Environmental Management Plans

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Technical Reporting & Scientific Advice

Science Experiments

Contaminated Site Assessments

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Construction Environmental Management Plans


Asbestos & Hazardous Materials Assessments

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Geotechnical Assessments


Remediation Action Plans

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Soil Remediation & Rehabilitation

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Detailed Site Assessments

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